In 1930, Ted and Elsie Hartshorn came to Warrensburg and opened Hart’s Hamburger Shop. Their niece, Lady Elsie Rinker, recalls that her parents ran a hamburger shop in Cameron, Mo. At that time, Ted (Theo) Hartshorn was a shoe salesman; he and Elsie had married in New Orleans and moved around the country. So he got the idea of opening a hamburger shop. He bought the shop owned by Doug Fryrear and Sam Burge at 129 East Pine.They named it Hart’s, for themselves, though sometimes it also appeared in advertising as “Harts” and the image of a double heart. On May 19, 1933 The Daily Star-Journal reported that the Hartshorns were building a new shop just west of the old post office. Harts opened their hamber shop in this location at 133 East Pine sometime in 1933 or 1934.